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People’s Action member group Progressive Maryland celebrated multiple wins in this year’s legislative session, with two top priority bills passed and another key piece of legislation passed with the group’s intervention.

Earlier this year, PMD celebrated the creation of its first tenants’ association at the Enclave Apartments in Silver Spring. The tenants held a rally in March to draw attention to neglected conditions at the complex, which was attended by U.S. Congressman Jamie Raskin, Councilmember Kristin Mink and State Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins (D-20)

These PMD members then worked closely with State Senator Will Smith to promote the Tenant Safety Act, which enables tenants to use rent escrow as a way to legally withhold rent from abusive landlords until needed repairs are made.

The bill passed, and Enclave residents are now looking forward to working with Sen. Smith and other lawmakers to pass “good cause” eviction reform in the next term,  which would prevent landlords from evicting tenants solely so they can charge higher rents.

Another victory was the passage of HB 1337, which overcame opposition from health insurance lobbyists to require private insurers to disclose more data about claim denials and appeals. The practice of denying or delaying claims has become widespread, and is a key focus of People’s Action Institute’s Care Over Cost campaign, in which Progressive Maryland plays an active role. 

In addition, Progressive Maryland played a leadership role in an environmental justice coalition that increased the climate and weatherization benefits provided to utility customers through the EmPower program. 

To top it all off, in July Progressive Maryland participated in multiple panels at this year’s Netroots Nation convention in Baltimore. Highlights included panels with PMD Executive Director Larry Stafford with State Delegate and PMD member Gabriel Acevero, U.S. Congress members Ro Khanna and Barbara Lee, Councilmember Odette Ramos, NAACP Vice President Joshua Harris, and AFL-CIO President Courtney Jenkins.

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